Monday, May 25, 2020

Waco (2018)

I just watched the Waco miniseries on Netflix (the one starring Michael Shannon as an FBI hostage negotiator), and it was amazing. One of the best things I've watched this year. The Waco siege is one of those events that occurred while I was growing up, but was too young and uninterested in current events to care. So it was interesting to learn more about it. The series is definitely sympathetic towards the Branch Davidians, and I would not be surprised if it gives them too much credit (the series never addresses, for example, the question of why they had illegal firearms to begin with) - I devoured the Wikipedia entry after finishing the series - but on the other hand, I have no doubt that the government acted egregiously and with overreach. But regardless of what you believe about this modern-day cult, as a piece of entertainment, this series was incredible. Taylor Kitsch is phenomenal as David Koresh.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Platform (2019)

I just watched The Platform on Netflix. It's a bit gruesome, but a fascinating movie. A little bit of mystery, a little bit of social commentary. It's like a cross between Snowpiercer and Cube. I recommend it.